Message from Principal
Dear Visitor
Welcome to Mata Gujri College of Pharmacy, Kishanganj, a professionally managed Institution under the banner of Mata Gujri University, imparting quality education in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences and designed to be a centre of excellence in the field of Pharmacy Education. Since the inception of the University, our continuous efforts to cater technically sound education with human values and a proper coordination between the academic and industrial fronts stimulates us to work more efficiently utilizing our best sources and brains/intellects and to elevate Mata Gujri University to be general and Mata Gujri College of Pharmacy to be specific as a brand among pharmaceutical education and research.
A technically sound academic life, supported by state of the art infrastructure, technology and a committed faculty will be the base for our results. The campus is full of vibrant energy which encourages bonding, sharing, respecting each other, assuming responsibilities and spreading happiness.
The website when you go through will place before you the facts and figures about our faculty, staff, courses and other important activities, aimed towards the goal of producing technically sound compassionate professionals, ready to hit the pharmaceutical and healthcare market.
Wish the website visit fulfils your need. If you need some added information don’t hesitate to get in touch at:
E-Mail Address:
Cell No. +91 9262699904
Looking forward to a disease free world.